OTC Exercise outcome: Do Not Recommend

Do Not Recommend

The Do Not Recommend outcome and feedback is nearly identical to Dispense Exercises Do Not Dispense option.

Once Do Not Recommend has been selected, a list of reasons why the student should not recommend a medication will appear, along with feedback fields.

The Patient counselling feedback field is shown next to any counselling the student did during the exercise.

The Correct outcome feedback is shown when the student chooses not to recommend medications. This feedback field is shown whether the student selects the correct reasons not to recommend or not and should tell the student why they should not have recommended, including specifics beyond the selected reasons where applicable.

The Wrong outcome feedback is shown when the student recommends medications instead of not recommending medications. Use this field to tell the student why they should not have recommended medications in this scenario.

After completing the feedback section validate the exercise to check for errors and publish the exercise. Click here to learn more about fixing errors.

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