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  6. Differences between Basic and Advanced OTC exercise modes

Differences between Basic and Advanced OTC exercise modes

Differences between Basic and Advanced OTC exercise modes

Basic mode is designed to allow instructors to make OTC exercises quickly by providing a broad overview of the patient’s symptoms and how the instructor would treat them. Medications are not directly compared, and the feedback does not change based on student selections.

Advanced mode gives more in-depth feedback options, which change based on which medications that the student chooses to treat the patient. Feedback is set up using ‘treatment groups’ which group equivalent medications together and provide feedback to the student if one of those medications is used to treat the patient. This makes advanced feedback very flexible, but time consuming to set up.

Core differences

Basic ModeAdvance Mode
Provides a general overview of the patient’s treatmentMore in-depth feedback using treatment groups to give feedback on multiple groups of medications.
Does not compare medications selected by the student to medications selected by the instructor.Compares medications selected by the student to treatment groups set by the instructor.
Feedback does not change based on student medications.Feedback changes based on medications selected by the student. They are compared with the expected outcomes set using treatment groups.
Cannot be auto markedCan be auto marked
Easy to set upCan be time consuming

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