
Most recent MyDispense articles

Christine Tabulov, Angelina Vascimini, Melissa Ruble. Using a virtual simulation platform for dispensing pediatric prescriptions in a community-based pharmaceutical skills course; Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, Volume 15, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 1052-1059, ISSN 1877-1297, (

Nguyen, K.T., Dao, M.L., Nguyen, K.N. et al. Perception of learners on the effectiveness and suitability of MyDispense: a virtual pharmacy simulation and its integration in the clinical pharmacy module in Viet Nam. BMC Med Educ 23, 790 (2023).

Tori A. Rude, Heidi N. Eukel, Nabila Ahmed-Sarwar, Elizabeth Sutton Burke, Apryl N. Anderson, Jaime Riskin and Lauren M. Caldas. An Introductory Over-the-Counter Simulation for First-Year Pharmacy Students Using a Virtual Pharmacy. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education March 2023, 87 (2) ajpe8940;

Angela M. Pagaran, Exa Mae S. Matute, Grace L. Agad, Maria Angelika S. Dabon, Vincent
Ray A. Dungog, Brittney Lynn E. Omargas, Kara Sezzie D. Salutillo, Erwin M. Faller; Confidence Level in Pharmaceutical Care Skills and Experiences Using MyDispense Virtual Simulation Among Pharmacy Students in The Philippines. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 6, pp 1506-1518 June 2023;

Slater, N.; Mason, T.; Micallef, R.; Ramkhelawon, M.; May, L. Enabling Access to Pharmacy Law Teaching during COVID-19: Student Perceptions of MyDispense and Assessment Outcomes. Pharmacy 2023, 11, 44.

Harjit K. Singh, Vivienne Mak, Keith Sewell, Daniel T. Malone. Barriers and facilitators to implementing
simulation into pharmacy programs globally; Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2023) 16:26.

Dainnah Jericca D. Belbider, Ela F. Dalumpines, Simon James R. Gabayan, Kyrene Anne E.
Mendoza, Klerr Babes B. Secreto, Erwin M. Faller. A Review on Virtual Simulation Mydispense on Pharmacy Education. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 12, pp 14361445, December 2022.

Tori A. Rude, Heidi N. Eukel, Nabila Ahmed-Sarwar, Elizabeth Sutton Burke, Apryl N. Anderson, Jaime Riskin and Lauren M. Caldas; An Introductory Over-the-Counter Simulation for First-Year Pharmacy Students Using a Virtual Pharmacy;

Abel Jhon Amatong, Hepzibahjoy Asentista, Cheri Mae Diasnes, Kym Darryl Erispe, Kenna Malintad,
Hannah Grace Paderog, Yrrah Fathema Pangolima, Kylne Aezl Toledo, Lou Felix Turtal, Dr. Erwin Faller (2022): Learners’ Perceptions on MyDispense Virtual Simulation in the Philippines. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology,Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022.

San Pedro College students present at MONASH INITIATIVE 2022

San Pedro College, Philippines presented students’ research work on the topic ” Confidence Level in Pharmaceutical Care Skills and Experiences on MyDispense Virtual Simulation among Pharmacy Students in the Philippines.” in the recently concluded MONASH INITIATIVE 2022 Monash International Health Science and Technology Conference on September 27 2022.

COIL MyDispense Experience is a big hit


Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) collaborated with the School of Pharmacy from San Pedro College (SPC), Davao City in, the Philippines, to design a virtual dispensing classroom via the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Global Virtual Classroom to foster a digitally and globally ready learning environment.

The COIL programme’s objectives were to introduce UBD students to cultural immersion and exchange global perspective on pharmacy education and pharmacy practice using MyDispense. Students were given various dispensing cases such as ‘Responding to Symptoms: Skin’, ‘Medicines Management during Fasting,’ ‘Responding to Symptoms: Paediatric Case’ and ‘Respond to Lactation Enquiry.’

The programme, which ran for six weeks from January 24 to February 28, was a great success, with very positive feedback from staff and student participants.

See the full article by Rizal Faisa.

Gold for San Pedro College pharmacy students

San Pedro College pharmacy students won the gold award for the Oral Presentation in the recently concluded BLM2-ICAM4 International E-Conference.  They presented on Learners’ perceptions on virtual simulation using MyDispense in the Philippines. Well done to them!

Journal articles & commentaries

Slater, N.; Mason, T.; Micallef, R.; Ramkhelawon, M.; May, L. Enabling Access to Pharmacy Law Teaching during COVID-19: Student Perceptions of MyDispense and Assessment Outcomes. Pharmacy 2023, 11, 44.

Harjit K. Singh, Vivienne Mak, Keith Sewell, Daniel T. Malone. Barriers and facilitators to implementing
simulation into pharmacy programs globally; Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice (2023) 16:26.

Dainnah Jericca D. Belbider, Ela F. Dalumpines, Simon James R. Gabayan, Kyrene Anne E.
Mendoza, Klerr Babes B. Secreto, Erwin M. Faller. A Review on Virtual Simulation Mydispense on Pharmacy Education. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 12, pp 14361445, December 2022.

Abel Jhon Amatong, Hepzibahjoy Asentista, Cheri Mae Diasnes, Kym Darryl Erispe, Kenna Malintad,
Hannah Grace Paderog, Yrrah Fathema Pangolima, Kylne Aezl Toledo, Lou Felix Turtal, Dr. Erwin Faller (2022): Learners’ Perceptions on MyDispense Virtual Simulation in the Philippines. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology,Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022.

Aksoy N, Ozturk N, (2021): Integration of a virtual pharmacy simulation program “MyDispense” in clinical pharmacy education. Pharmacy Education journal.

Malone D, Galbraith K, White PJ, Exintaris B, Nicolazzo JA, Brock T, Bruno-Tomé A, Short JL, Larson I. Development of a Vertically Integrated Pharmacy Degree. Pharmacy. 2021; 9(4):156.

Deneff, M.; Holle, L.M.; Fitzgerald, J.M.; Wheeler, K. A Novel Approach to Pharmacy Practice Law Instruction. Pharmacy 2021, 9, 75.

Vivienne Mak, Jill Fitzgerald, Lisa Holle, Sarah E. Vordenberg, Clark Kebodeaux. Meeting pharmacy educational outcomes through effective use of the virtual simulation MyDispense. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning (April 2021).

Rahman, N.S.A,  Nazar, N.I.M. &  M.H. Elnaem (2020): Experiential learning in community pharmacy: Online and remote teaching experience in Malaysian higher education. Pharmacy Education journal.

Kayla Ambroziak, Nour Ibrahim, Vincent D.Marshall, Sarah E.Kelling (2018). Virtual simulation to personalize student learning in a required pharmacy course. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning: Volume 10, Issue 4.

Jaekyu Shin, Daryush Tabatabai, Christy Boscardin, Marcus Ferrone, and Tina Brock (2018). Integration of a Community Pharmacy Simulation Program into a Therapeutics Course. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 82, Issue 1, Article 6189.

Costelloe MT. MyDispense: Lessons from Global Collaboration in Developing a Pharmacy Educational Simulation Tool. Inov Pharm. 2017;8(1): Article 10.

Shin J, Tabatabai D, Boscardin C, Ferrone M, Brock T. Integration of a Community Pharmacy Simulation Program into a Therapeutics Course. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.

Jenny McDowell, Kim Styles, Keith Sewell, Peta Trinder, Jennifer Marriott, Sheryl Maher, and Som Naidu (2016). A Simulated Learning Environment for Teaching Medicine Dispensing Skills. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 80, Issue 1, Article 11.

Marcus Ferrone, Clark Kebodeaux, Jill Fitzgerald, Lisa Holle. Implementation of a virtual dispensing simulator to support US pharmacy education. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning: Volume 9, Issue 4, July 2017, Pages 511-520.

Geoffrey A. Mospan, Chris Gillette (2019). Using MyDispense to simulate validation of controlled substance prescriptions in a pharmacy law course. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, Volume 11, Issue 10, 965-1076.

Ming-Hei Tai, Nada Rida, Kristin C. Klein, Heidi Diez, Trisha Wells, Kellie Kippes, Paul C. Walker, Sarah E. Vordenberg. Impact of virtual simulation in self-care therapeutics course on introductory pharmacy practice experience self-care encounters. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2020; 12(1):74-83.

Posters and conference presentations

Francis Richard, PharmD, MScPhm; François P. Turgeon, PharmD, MSc; Geneviève-Anne Pinard D’Amour, BPharm; Jérôme Tousignant, PharmD; Xue Yu Liang, PharmD; Maria Sajib, PharmD; Claude Mailhot, BPharm, DPH, PharmD. Faculty of Pharmacy, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Virtual Simulation in Skills Labs: Developing a French-Canadian Version of MyDispense. AACP Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. July 2024.

Betty Exintaris, Rita Wardan, Annie Chen, Sara Chuang, Nilushi Karunaratne, Vivienne Mak. Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (2020). Integrating virtual simulation (MyDispense) for teaching comprehensive care pharmacy curriculum. ASCEPT-APSA 2020 Joint Scientific Meeting.

Tsitsi G Monera-Penduka, Tafadzwa Sukwe, Phillip Peters, Keenan Beaumont, Keith Sewell, Jennifer Marriott. Collaborative development of a virtual Pharmacy Practice skills laboratory at the University of Zimbabwe School of Pharmacy. Ghana, July 2017.

Clark Kebodeaux, Keith Sewell, Aric Schadler, Keenan Beaumont. Assessing Student Performance in the Medication Use Process using Community Pharmacy Simulation (MyDispense). AACP Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tenn. July 2017.

Kebodeaux C, Sewell K. Implementation of Community Pharmacy Dispensing Software (MyDispense) in an Advanced Pharmacy Practice Course. Am J Pharm Educ. 2016; 80 (5): S2 (p. 70)

Kebodeaux C, Sewell K. Implementation of Community Pharmacy Dispensing Software (MyDispense) in an Advanced Pharmacy Practice Course. AACP Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. July 2016.

Johnson AE, Fitzgerald J, Holle LM, Phaneuf M, Sobieraj D. Integration of a Virtual Dispensing Simulator “MyDispense” in an Experiential Education Program to Improve Medication Safety. Presented at: ASHP 2016 Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition; December 5, 2016; Las Vegas, NV: Abstract 21.

Ferrone M, Holle L, Fitzgerald J, Sewell K, Johnson A, Tabatabai D, Costelloe M, Brock T. International Deployment of a Virtual Dispensing Simulator Supporting Pharmacy Education. Presented at: 2015 American College of Clinical Pharmacy Global Conference on Clinical Pharmacy, October 19, 2015; San Francisco, CA.

Ferrone M, Holle L, Fitzgerald J, McDowell J, Sewell K, Costelloe M, Youmans S, Brock T. Globally Relevant: Creation of a Virtual Dispensing Simulator Supporting Pharmacy Education. Presented at: UCSF Medical Education Showcase. March 2015; San Francisco, CA.

Costelloe M, Brock T, Sewell K, Ferrone M, Fitzgerald J, Holle L, Kebodeaux C. Community Pharmacy Simulation: a multi-nation collaboration to optimize student learning through the world. Presented at: Pharmacy SNOW Symposium; December 10, 2016; Denver, CO.

Brock T, Ferrone M, Bates I, McLaughlin J, Steeb D, Holle L, Fitzgerald J, White P, Costelloe M. It’s a Small World – a Model for Meaningful and Sustainable Global Pharmacy Education Collaboration. Presented at American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting; July 25, 2016; Anaheim, CA.

Costelloe M, Brock T, Ferrone M, Holle L, Fitzgerald J, Forrister D, McLaughlin J, Larson I, Sewell K, Galbraith K. Continuing Professional Education Section: From Prato to Maryland: Transforming Practice Through Global Education Collaboration. Presented at: Pharmacy Education 2015 AACP & AFPC Annual Meeting; July 12, 2015: National Harbor, Maryland

Holle LM, Ferrone M, Fitzgerald J, Sewell K. Special Session: Community Pharmacy Dispensing Simulation Software Roll Out Across Three International Schools of Pharmacy. Presented at: Pharmacy Education 2015 AACP & AFPC Annual Meeting; July 12, 2015: National Harbor, Maryland.

Marriott, J.L. et al. SABER and MyDispense: Building better pharmacy education through innovation and sharing. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy , Volume 10 , Issue 5 , e65 – e66

Jaekyu Shin, Daryush Tabatabai, Christy Boscardin, Marcus Ferrone, and Tina Brock (2018). Integration of a Community Pharmacy Simulation Program into a Therapeutics Course. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Volume 82, Issue 1, Article 6189.