Patient Communication

Identity query

During the exercise it may become necessary to identify the patient. Determining the identity of the patient may be important to find additional patient information in the computer, but there is no prescription to provide an easy method of discovering who the patient is.

The identity query allows the student to ask the patient to identify themselves as a question in fact finding.

There are three ways to use the identity query; use a predefined patient response, customise the patient response and disable the query.

Using the default response will always display the same response: My name is [NAME]. I live at [ADDRESS]. My Medicare number is [MEDICARE NUMBER] (or region equivalent patient id number, where applicable).

Customising the response allows full control over how the patient responds to the identity query. Instead of a polite patient, you could write a response that fits in with the character of the patient. Data fields are inserted using codes written in the response and are replaced with the correct data during the exercise.

For example, if the patient’s name is John, entering: “I’m %firstname%” will result in “I’m John” during the exercise. The fields for the patient name and address have been separated into their components so information can be omitted or be presented out of order if desired.

The identity query can be disabled completely, hiding the question from the list completely. Hiding the identity query is dependent on the exercise scenario but can be done.

Patient fact finding

OTC exercise patient fact finding consists of two lists of questions, predefined patient fact finding questions and custom patient fact finding questions.

If you don’t want your exercise to have fact finding select the “Disable patient fact finding” check box and move onto the next section.

In the student view the order of the Fact Finding questions will be in the same order they appear in the Facts section. You are able to change the order by ticking the Randomise facts checkbox.

Before moving onto the Facts section decide on the type of Feedback, basic or advanced. The feedback options allow exercise designers to manage the feedback for questions how they see fit. If basic feedback is selected, individual feedback cannot be set per question.

Advanced feedback uses a separate field for each fact finding question, which is accessible when editing the question.

Note: that when using advanced feedback, “Can Ask” questions do not require feedback.

If Basic feedback is selected, individual feedback cannot be set per question and the Basic fact finding feedback section will appear after the facts section, more on this further down.

Below the feedback type is the list of predefined patient fact finding questions, this is an optional section with a list of predefined questions. You do not need to define all or even any of the questions, however it’s recommended to at lest define the important ones.

If a question is not defined, it will still appear in the list of questions that the student can ask, but a random response (for example: “Huh?”, “I don’t know”) will be given instead.

Instead of leaving questions not defined you can disable particular facts by unchecking the checkbox next to that fact.

To define a fact finding question click on the “Add response” button.

In the Add response window you’ll have the option to choose a default response, write your own response, or select and modify a response from previously added responses

You’ll also need to select the Question priority. This option is to set the status of the fact finding. Is this question essential (Must ask)? Is this question inappropriate (Do not ask)? Or is this question non-essential but might appear appropriate (can ask)?

For example asking the smoking status for a child is an unnecessary question to ask, so the smoking fact should be marked with Do not ask.

If you had selected Advanced feedback you’ll need to include a comment based on why asking this question was appropriate or not.

You also have the option to Customise label which will change the questions title within the fact finding list and you can also edit how the fact finding questions is phased by entering your own wording into the Customise question text box.

After a question has been defined, it can be cleared by clicking the clear response button.

Underneath the predefined fact finding questions list is the Custom fact finding questions section.

Custom questions are fact finding questions that are defined completely by you.

To create a custom question, click the Add custom fact button.

Due to the custom nature of the questions, the question must be defined and there is no default response or ability to search for existing responses or feedback.

Type your custom question into the Prescriber question text box and the response into the Prescriber response. Similar to predefined fact finding questions you’ll need to select the question priority. Finally you can also add a Customise label to your custom question.

You can add more custom facts by clicking on the Add custom fact button and repeating the steps.

If you have selected Basic fact finding feedback there will be a Patient fact finding feedback section below custom facts.

Use this field to provide an overall feedback for the questions you have defined (the important ones).

Patient Questions

Note: This is an optional section and if you don’t want to include patient questions into your exercise skip to the next stage.

Patient questions in OTC exercises work the same as in dispensing exercises.

To get started tick the Enable patient prompting checkbox.

To create a patient questions click on the Add patient question button.

Type your patient’s question into the “Patient question” section and for feedback type out a sample response in the “Feedback on Patient Questions” textbox. Finally set when the question can be asked.

Patient questions can be set to be asked before / after patient intervention or any time during an exercise.

If a question is set to only be available before the patient intervention then that question will not be displayed after the student selects medications or counsels the patient. Counseling the patient / selecting medications is taken as interacting with the patient, so the questions will change.

In the image to the left, the A, B and E next to the edit button indicates whether a question is asked After, Before or Either.

You can add as many patient questions as you’d like and reorder them using the up/down arrow on the right.

Read next: Exercise outcome

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