Adding students using csv file

Before you import students into MyDispense, you will need to prepare a spreadsheet containing a list of your students’ usernames and email addresses.
Do not include student names (the less personal data you store the better).
As an Administrator click on “Admin Options” in the main menu. This will display the manage users page, where you can manage staff and students in MyDispense.

Click on the “Students” option in the sub-menu.
Click the button “Import students from CSV”.

In the student dialog box click the “browse” button and select your spreadsheet file.
Click on the upload CSV file to load your spreadsheet.
Select your preferred options from the dialog.

You can choose to have each student set their own password, or set a default password for all your students (not recommended unless you have reasons to do this). You can also assign the imported students to an existing unit at this stage (optional).

At the bottom of the dialog you will need to match the fields in your csv file to the corresponding fields in MyDispense.
Click the Import student button and you’re done. Your students will each receive an email requiring them to click a link to activate their account and set a password.
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