Kentucky Rx13

IS is a 55 year old male with chronic lower back pain who comes to your pharmacy with a prescription for Percocet.  His past medical history is significant for depression and anxiety. He has no known drug allergies.  DRPs: 1) Safety > Adverse Drug Reaction > Dose too high Patient potentaill exceeds daily limit of […]

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Kentucky Rx12

RC is a 57 year old male who comes to your pharmacy with a new prescription for Viagra.  In addition to his newly diagnosed ED, RC has a past medical history of chlamydia, stable angina, alcoholism, and chronic back pain.  OUTCOME:  drug-drug interaction.

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Kentucky Rx11

MM, a 37 year old male, brings a new prescription for Lyrica to your pharmacy. He has a past medical history significant only for type 2 diabetes and occasional heart-burn (less than 3 times per month). He has no known drug allergies. Earlier today, MM saw his PCP and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The patient […]

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