In our recent community gathering, we asked volunteers in the MyDispense USA community to share how they are using MyDispense at their institution. Our panelists were asked to answer the following questions:
- What problem(s) were you seeking to solve in your course or at your institution?
- How did you use MyDispense in an innovative way to solve this problem?
- What went well along the way?
- What lessons did you learn along the way?
This is Part 2 in our series about the insights and innovations shared during our October 2023 community meeting. Join us as we continue to explore how our peers have used MyDispense.

Amanda Eades, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacist, Pulmonary Clinic
Coordinator, Patient Care Skills Lab
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy
Dr. Amanda Eades integrated MyDispense into the community pharmacy IPPEs, which occur during the P1 Spring or P2 Fall semesters. At the end of these IPPEs, students undergo a proficiency evaluation consisting of three stations: 1) voicemail prescriptions, 2) patient counseling or performing a glucose or vitals check, and 3) addressing a drug-related problem. MyDispense was used for the third station in this evaluation.
Previously, a P4 student acting as a patient would ask the student a drug information question at one of the other stations. After completing this station, the student would write up their response and submit it. However, students often gave inconsistent answers and sometimes missed the purpose of the station.
Now, students complete a MyDispense activity designed to identify a drug-related problem. After reviewing a prescription and gathering relevant information from the patient within MyDispense, they answer related questions in ExamSoft. The video provides examples and discusses the benefits of this transition.

Mutiara Herawati, M.Sc.Apt
Department of Pharmacist
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Mutira Herawait has been using MyDispense at her institution since 2020. In this video, she discusses the barriers posed by the COVID-19 pandemic that led her to adopt this tool. She also describes the challenges of implementing MyDispense at her institution, particularly since the program is not in the students’ native language. Universitas Islam Indonesia uses MyDispense to help students practice various skills before their in-person practicum. She has been able to share how she is using the program with other faculty in Indonesia. Watch the video for more details.

Marlowe Djuric Kachlic, PharmD, BCACP
Clinical Assistant Professor
Director, Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences
Director, UIC Community-Based Pharmacy Residency Program
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy
Dr. Marlowe Djuric Kachlic incorporates MyDispense in the first course of their 10-course therapeutics series, Self-Care Therapeutics, during the spring of the P1 year. The instructors were seeking an efficient way to add interactivity to the course. Dr. Kachlic also aimed to integrate the QuEST SCHOLAR-MAC format into MyDispense, which she achieved by using the custom questions feature in fact finding.
Students appreciated the use of these cases during class and found that it helped them review and prepare for their upcoming exams. Watch the video for more details, including the background on previous methods and the benefits of this transition.
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