Michigan Law example

This validation exercise has three tasks. Students review the prescriptions to determine if they should be dispensed or not dispensed based on Michigan and Federal law. Prescription 1: Zolpidem Extended Release 6.25 mg Tab (Outcome Do Not Dispense due to refill too soon); Prescription 2: Ibuprofen 600 mg Tab (Outcome Do Not Dispense due to […]

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Michigan Atopic Dermatitis OTC

Students need to distinguish if the patient is a candidate for self-treatment and being able to notice what skin condition the patient has by using the picture provided.  RECOMMENDED MEDS include: Cortizone-10 Maximum Strength Anti-Itch Cr; Hydrocortisone Cr. COUNSELING:  Name and strength of medication along with amount of medication, route of administration and maximum amount […]

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Michigan Constipation OTC

Students must help an elderly man choose a product to relieve his opioid-induced constipation with the approval of his physician. Recommended medications include: Dulcolax Tab; Senokot Tab. A stimulant laxative is beneficial for opioid-induced constipation.

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