Women’s health 3

Women’s health 3 This exercise involves dispensing a prescription according to the patient preferences. This is no errors with this prescription and it should be dispensed. Even though the patient has taken the medication previously, it is still appropriate to ensure that the medication is well tolerated and achieving the desired outcome.

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Women’s health 2

Women’s health 2 This exercise involves dispensing a prescription according to the patient preferences. This is no errors with this prescription and it should be dispensed. When taking a COC it is important to always reiterate the following: If any of the following symptoms occur while on the pill, stop taking it and seek urgent […]

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Women’s health 1

Women’s health 1 This exercise involves dispensing a prescription whilst considering patient preferences and previous tolerance of medication. There is no errors or issues with this prescriptions and it should be dispensed. It may be appropriate to create a note that Janumet is a new medication for the patient When a patient starts a new […]

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