How to set up a category

How to set up a category

In the medications section, click on the categories tab and select “Add category”.

A small window will appear, in the text box enter your category’s name.

Click “Save” to create your category.

At a glance you can see total RX medications and OTC medications are within a category. Your newly created category will have zero medications.

You can rename your category by clicking on the Edit button.

To add medications to your category click on the Manage button.

To be able to view medications you’ll need to change selected to “Not Selected” or the “–” option.

Note: You might see medications that have no images, these medications are not active and you can ignore them.

Use the filters at the top to search for the medication(s) you want to add to your category or if you already know what you want to add use the name text box.

Clicking on the medication will automatically add the medication to the category. Once you are finished click the Updated medications button.

Switch to student view and run an exercise and you should be able to find your new category. Your category will appear where the medication appears. In this example Zyrtec is located at the front of shop on the shelves, so the newly created category “Allergy” will appear within the front of shop shelves area.

Any medications that haven’t been set to a category will automatically be sorted into the General category.

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