Women’s health 2
This exercise involves dispensing a prescription according to the patient preferences. This is no errors with this prescription and it should be dispensed.
When taking a COC it is important to always reiterate the following:

If any of the following symptoms occur while on the pill, stop taking it and seek urgent medical advice: severe and sudden pain in the chest, severe headache, sudden blurred vision or loss of sight, unexplained tenderness or pain and swelling in one leg.
The above information is important to pass on to the patient given that they smoke cigarettes “every now and then”.

Effectiveness may be reduced by:
some medicines; check with your doctor or pharmacist before starting or stopping any medicines, including herbal (particularly St John’s wort) and over-the-counter products
vomiting or diarrhoea (which also may be caused by some medications) or forgetting to take an active pill

File Type: myde
File Size: 521 KB
Categories: Dispensing exercise
Tags: Citalopram 10mg Tab, Drospirenone/Ethinyloestradiol 3mg/20mcg, Women's health
Author: Monash University