Patient presents to the counter to ask about a medication that she hopes will alleviate her diarrhea. Advise her on if this medication is correct for her condition and counsel on how to use it.  Student must identify potential medication problem and recommend new therapy.


Loperamide can be recommended because the patient is experiencing acute diarrhea (diarrhea lasting less than 2 weeks). If the patient’s diarrhea does not improve in 2 days, or if diarhea returns for more than 2 weeks, then they should see a medical provider. Do not take more than 16mg in 24 hours. Do not do activities that require alertness until effects are realized. Diarrhea should not be used in patients with a fever or when infection is expected.

Along with this product, maintain proper hydration – 8 eight-ounce glasses.

Non pharmacologic solution can include Oral Rehydration Therapy (pedialyte, etc.) and temporarily eating the BRAT diet: bananas, rice (white), applesauce and toast until the diarrhea resolves and then slowly incorporating fiber into the diet

File Type: myde
File Size: 1 MB
Categories: OTC exercise
Tags: Diarrhoea, gastrointestinal, Loperamide
Author: University of Connecticut