Kentucky Rx6

VA is a 24 year old female with newly diagnosed depression, who comes to your pharmacy with a new prescription for Bupropion SR 150mg at bedtime from Dr. Anthony Fleming.  DRPs: 1) Safety > Adverse Drug Reaction > Unsafe drug for patient The use of bupropion is contraindicated in patients with a history of bulimia. […]

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Insomnia and nausea 3

Insomnia and nausea 3 This exercise involves dispensing a prescription, whilst taking into consideration a patient request. There is an additional request for an Emergency supply of Temazepam to manage jet lag. This exercise will allow for a wider discussion about the criteria that surrounds Emergency supply and what options are available to the pharmacist […]

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Insomnia and nausea 2

Insomnia and nausea 2 This exercise involves dispensing a prescription whilst considering patient preferences. There is no errors or issues with this prescriptions and it should be dispensed. As the patient has been taking their current medication for some time, it is important to tailor the counselling to the patient’s current circumstances. Certain trigger factors […]

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