The Manage Tutorials Screen
The Tutorials within a Unit are shown on the Manage Tutorials screen.

To add a new tutorial click on the “New tutorial” button.
You’ll be given the options to Create tutorial, which will be blank and won’t have any activities or Copy existing tutorial which will include its activities.
Each tutorial is organised into it’s own panel.

The panel gives you an overview of how many activities (or exercises) and their type are within the tutorial and if the tutorial is active or not.

To activate or deactivate a Tutorial click the slider button that appears on the left hand side of the tutorial panel.
Inactive Tutorials will be grey and hidden from student users.
You can move the position of a tutorial up and down the list by clicking and dragging the up/down arrow button on the far right of the tutorial bar.

Tutorials will appear to students in the order that you set here.

If you need to make any changes to the tutorial use the Actions menu located on the right side next to the up/down arrows.
The Actions drop down menu allows you to:
- Edit the tutorial
- Duplicate
- Copy
- Export
- Remove
- Delete the tutorial
Managing Activities
Expand the tutorial panel by clicking on the “+” icon on the left hand side. This will display the activities within the tutorial.

After opening the tutorial section the “+” icon will change into a “-“, clicking the “-“ icon will minimize the tutorial section.

You are also able to expand activities with the “+” icon to display more information about that activity.

If you need to reorder the activities you can move each activity by clicking on the up/down arrows and dragging to the desired position.

Changes to activities can be made via the Actions drop down list.
Actions may vary depending on the activity. For example, Dispense exercises will have a Bulk label printing option.
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