Step 2: Review

Import interface: Review

The review section is where all assets used by the exercises that are being imported are checked before import. Exercise assets are the following:

  • Prescription type
  • Patient
  • Patient image
  • Prescriber
  • Medication
  • OTC
  • Ancillary

The review pane tallies up all of the assets that are used by the exercises you are importing (excluding those you have deselected if using the content option) and attempts to find matches on the import site.

When importing from another MyDispense site, the databases of the two sites may be very different. Your site may have everything their site has, or it might not; the importer tries to match everything up as best as possible, but sometimes a match may not be found. If an exact match is not found, it is up to you to decide on what happens with that asset.

For example, a dispense exercise uses a patient, a prescriber, a prescription type, a patient image and two medications. If exact matches are not found for some of these items, those items must be reviewed.

Note that only a single instance of an asset will appear in the list. For example, if a patient appears in 10 exercises, they will only appear in this list once. This also means that the review decision made on that patient will apply to all 10 of those exercises.

Asset usage

In the header of each section, there is a circle with a number in it. The number indicates how many exercises use that asset in the import file. Clicking on the circle will reveal all exercises that use that asset.

Next to each exercise is a checkbox. Unchecking the box will set that exercise to not be included in the import. Doing so links back to the content section on the options tab.

If the contents option is not enabled and an exercise is deselected, the option will be enabled automatically. The exercise will also be deselected from the content options list.

The number next to each asset is kept updated with the number of exercises that use it. If an exercise is deselected, the number is updated. Note that the asset usage number does not appear for exercise only imports.

Review options

To select an option, click the Use This button. In the case of select replacement, the select replacement link must be clicked first.


The match option is available when a match is found for an asset in the database. Selecting the match option will set the asset to use the match found on the system.

There are three kinds of matches: An image match and primary details match. Image matches and primary details matches are considered exact matches. When an exact match is made (image or primary details), that asset is hidden by default in the review pane. This is because it is fairly safe to assume that the assets match and don’t need to be manually reviewed.

If no match is found during the image and primary details searches, the asset is marked as having no match and therefore the match section will be left empty.

Image matches are performed when an asset type has an image associated with it. Patient images, prescribers, medications and OTCs use image matches.

Primary details match search for assets with the same main details as the imported asset. For example, a patient primary details are their name, gender and age. If these all match, a match is made.

Automatically matched items can be viewed and changed by checking the show exact matches option at the top of the review screen. If an exact match option is changed, it will appear without having to check the show exact matches option.


The replace option allows you to search for and find a replacement asset. It is very similar to selecting a patient in an exercise.  To select a replacement, click the select replacement button for that asset.

Doing so will open a search window where a new asset can be searched for and found. After selecting a replacement, it will be used in place of the original in all instances where it is used in exercises.


The match and replace options use asset data that exists in the MyDispense site you are importing into. The import option creates a new copy of the asset in the MyDispense site. Importing a new asset does not affect any existing assets, it is a new copy of the item.

During the final import process, imported assets are flagged as being imported. What this means is that the asset must be opened and saved to ensure that all of the required fields for that asset have been completed.

The import system does not run a full validation check on imported items and relies on the exercise designers and asset editors to do those final checks. Resaving an asset with all the fields filled out will clear the import flag.

Import restrictions

Some assets from one region cannot be imported into other regions. The table below outlines the import support status for each asset type.

Asset typeAustraliaUSAUK
Prescription typeNoNoNo
Patient imageEverywhereEverywhereEverywhere
MedicationAus / UK onlyEverywhereAus / UK only

* Ancillary review only appears when the export region of the package and the region of the MyDispense site you are importing into do not match.

Read next: Step 3: Finalise

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