Step 1: Options

Import interface: Options


The destination, as described in the previous section is the final location for your import. This section only appears for Tutorial and Exercise imports, as units are at the top of the food chain and cannot be included inside other items.

If you import a tutorial while inside a unit using the import tutorial button, the destination will be set to the unit you were in. In a similar vein, when importing an exercise using the import exercise button inside a tutorial, the destination will be that tutorial.

The destination section allows you to review and change this destination by clicking the Change unit (for tutorials) or change tutorial (for exercises) button. From there you can search for a new destination for your import.

You may also clear the destination of your import. If you do this, the tutorial/exercise will not be associated with anything and will need to be manually added via the add existing tutorial/exercise buttons inside a unit.

If you try to import something that doesn’t match that original context, the destination will be cleared and it will appear as ‘unassigned’ instead. At that point you can select a new destination as normal.


Available for Unit and Tutorial imports, the content option allows a subset of tutorials/exercises to be imported instead of everything in the import package. By default, everything in an import package is imported into the system.

If you select the choose what to import option instead, a list of all tutorials (for units) and exercises appears.

If the checkbox next to an exercise is unticked, then that tutorials/exercise will not be imported.

At least one tutorials/exercise must be imported.

Do Not Import Ancillaries

When importing between regions, such as Australia to USA the Do Not Import Ancillaries option will appear.

Regions may not have the same ancillaries available or ancillaries in use may not be mapped directly to other ancillaries during the review process.

Therefore, selecting the do not import ancillaries option will remove all ancillaries and ancillary feedback from exercises that are to be imported.

Read next: Step 2: Review

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