Hi everyone,
We are just getting started with MyDispense at my institution. I am wanting to create tutorial for my students to practice what we are learning in class. I have made some tutorials, but I’m not sure how the assessment features and feedback features interplay.
I plan to just give students credit for completing the exercise. If they complete it, they get all their points. But I’d also like to see their progress and what they submitted/selected for the answers. Is there a way to do this or do I need to use the assessment feature? If I use the assessment feature, will they still get the feedback that I set up in the advanced feature section? What I really want to happen is the following:
–complete the activity as much as they want
–get full credit for doing the activity
–they can get feedback as soon as they finish
–I get to see what they selected and how they answered the activity.
I’d appreciate any direction! Also, if it’s easier to do a call or a zoom, I’m open to that as well! Thanks!
Rachel Stafford, PharmD
Assistant Professor
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy