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  • #4304
    Stephanie Hunziker

    Hello Everyone,
    We are new to MyDispense, and working on trying to incorporate into our curriculum. We have an opportunity to “test” it out with our current P3 students during the upcoming spring intersession, so I am reaching out to see if anyone else can share experiences with testing? Or, how you practiced with or “tested” out MyDispense before incorporating into curriculum? We have discussed providing the students with practice activities, an instructional video, and having them complete a survey related to their experience with opportunity to provide feedback. Does anyone have any other experiences you are willing to share?

    Stephanie Hunziker, PharmD, BCMTMS
    Clinical Skills Coordinator & Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
    SIUe School of Pharmacy

    Sarah Vordenberg

    Hi Stephanie,

    I am so sorry. I didn’t receive a notification about this post and therefore didn’t see your question until I happened upon it today. I will be more diligent about monitoring the site in the future! We subsequently connected via email, but please let me know if you need anything else.


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