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  • #4250
    Clark Kebodeaux

    Welcome Faculty!  Please use the thread to introduce yourself and provide contact information.  Feel free to include your contact info, website, social media, etc.  Excited to work with everyone!

    -Sarah and Clark

    Lisa Holle

    Hello folks,
    I’m an associate clinical professor at UConn School of Pharmacy. I am a co-lead for MyDispense instruction here at UConn and we have used since 2014 in several classes. I’d be happy to chat with anyone about our experiences.

    Lisa Holle



    I am Keenan Beaumont from Monash University in Australia. I am the developer of MyDispense and can talk to you about technical issues you have with MyDispense. You can email our team for support at: mydispense1@monash.edu

    Roxane Took


    My name is Roxane Took, I’m an assistant professor at St. Louis College of Pharmacy at University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis. Although our college has been using MyDispense for quite a while my knowledge in creation of new activities is quite limited! I look forward to using this forum to get to know others and learn more about this program.

    Thanks, KariLynn Dowling-McClay for meeting with me yesterday. I appreciate you telling me about this forum and trading some MyDispense tips! 🙂


    Stephanie Hunziker

    Hello everyone!
    My name is Stephanie Hunziker, I am the skills lab coordinator and clinical assistant professor at SIUe School of Pharmacy in Edwardsville, IL (near St. Louis). We have recently obtained MyDispense for use at our institution, but still learning about it and the best ways to incorporate it into our curriculum, particularly in the skills lab courses. We are looking to incorporate both community and hospital/institutional activities, so would love to hear about everyone’s experiences with different activities. I look forward to hearing more about everyone’s experiences and learn more about this program!

    Thanks to everyone I have met with already for your guidance and sharing of ideas!

    Ed Talbott


    My name is Ed Talbott and I’m an Asst. Professor at the Appalachian College of Pharmacy in Virginia. We have had MyDispense for several years but have only used it in a couple courses (we also had EHRGo for a couple years). We are looking to incorporate into more courses starting in the fall of 2023 and hope to add hospital cases with the program into our P2 year.

    Ed Talbott


    Nice to meet you, Ed! How has it been going this fall?

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