Creating a prescription: Add medication

Add medication

Once a prescription type has been selected, the add medication button will appear in the tab area.

The add medication button is displayed based on the maximum number of medications a prescription can hold.

It will disappear if the maximum number of medications on a prescription have been reached or there are too many medications on the prescription.

Clicking the Add medication will display the medication selection screen. 

Once a medication has been selected, a medication tab for that medication will be created and opened.

Inside the medication tab, the directions, qty and repeats can be set for the medication and the prescription preview will update to reflect the changes.

Medication tab

Each medication on the prescription will have its own tab. Clicking the tab will display the medication tab for that medication. Medication tabs are displayed with the name of the medication on the tab.

In the example on the left, there are two medications on the prescription: Naproxen SR 750mg Tab and Distaph 500mg Cap tab.

Naproxen is open on the pane and Distaph appears as tab in the tab bar.

The medication can be changed for another one by clicking the select medication button, which opens the medication select pane.

The medication can also be removed from the prescription by clicking the “delete medication” button. Deleting a medication will move any medications below it up a slot on the script.

The order of medications can be changed by clicking the arrows next to the delete medication button. Clicking the up arrow will move the medication up the script and clicking the down arrow will move the medication down.

Read next: Medication label and products

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