Navigating exercise marks

The marking navigation section lists each marking section in the exercise and the current mark assigned to that section. It starts with the exercise items, which is the section used for exercise level marks such as Fact Finding, Errors and Cumulative marks and lists each medication on the script as Item #. Item 1 is the first item on the prescription, Item 2 the second and so on.

The marking section text can be clicked to navigate to that section. It may be difficult to see, but there are three navigation links per section.

The section name can be clicked to take you to the top of that section. For example, if you were to click the Exercise Items text, it would scroll the page to the start of the exercise items section. If you were to click the Item 1 link, it would take you to the first medication marking section.

Next to the section name, there is an M. This stands for manual marking and clicking the M will scroll to the manually marked criteria for that section. Clicking the M next to Item 1 will display the manually marked items for the first medication on the script.

Finally, clicking the mark on the right of the section will scroll to the marking section for the section.

Read next: Saving question comment and mark

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