Saving section marks

Saving section marks

A marking section has a pair of Automarked and Manually tables and a section mark interface underneath them. The section mark interface has the final mark for that section, the current saved mark (or total automark calculation if no mark is saved), a save button and a reset marks button.

Criteria marks in a section are not saved until the section is saved. Section marks are saved by clicking the save marks button, which also saves the total mark for the section from the current section mark. The section mark is calculated by adding up the marks from each section criteria. The section mark can be overwritten at any time by entering a new mark in the current mark field.  If you want to re-calculate the mark, click inside the mark field in an automarked/manually marked criteria and click out again. This will update the current section mark again.

Once the section mark has been saved, the text on the left will change from ‘Calculated mark for…’ to ‘Saved mark for…’. This indicates that the mark has been saved and the current value of the mark. The marking sidebar will also display the current section mark next to the section (depicted on the far right). Sections that have not been saved will display Not Saved next to them in the marking sidebar.

Read next: Resetting section marks

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