

The marking interface is divided into two tables per marking section, the pink automark table and the blue manually marked table. Each table row is a marking criteria, where marks can be assigned.

Automarked criteria are simple criteria that compare the student answer and the correct answer. If the answers match, then the system will assign the maximum mark set for the criteria. The maximum mark for the criteria is displayed in the maximum mark field as a button. Clicking the button will assign the mark displayed as the mark for the criteria.

The mark field can be overwritten, and custom marks assigned at any time. Marks must be a number up to two decimal places and can be negative. When a mark is entered, it is automatically formatted. If a non-number value is entered into the field, it will default to 0.00.

The column on the right of the mark contains the penalty mark button. If a penalty mark has been assigned to a criteria, then the button will appear as potential penalty for non-completing the criteria or getting it incorrect. Clicking the penalty mark button works the same way as the maximum mark button. Clicking it will assign the displayed value as the current mark. If the value displayed is -2.00, then the final value will be -2.00 marks.

Manually marked criteria default to a mark of 0 as they are considered too complex for automatic marking. The penalty and maximum mark buttons function the same, with the maximum mark button providing an easy method of marking criteria.

Read next: Marking Critical criteria

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