Label Marking

Label Marking

Label marking is assigned on one screen, to simplify the mark assignment process and add new management features. To access the label marking pane, click on the set label marks button underneath the cumulative marking section.

The label marking pane separates each medication into its own collapsible section, similar to the exercise designer interface.

The label marking pane separates each medication into it’s own collapsible section, similar to the exercise designer interface. Consolidating label marking in a single pane has allowed for criteria copy functionality to be added.

In the screenshot to the left there are two buttons outlined, the copy criteria button and the copy to all button.

The copy criteria button is next to each criteria on a label. Clicking the button will copy the properties of that criteria to the same criteria on other medications.

For example, if the added initials to the label criteria for Augmentin (medication 1) was enabled, had a mark of 5 and a penalty of 2 and the copy criteria button was clicked, the initials criteria for Trandate (medication 2), would be updated to match.

As another example, if you then disabled the initials criteria and clicked copy, then the initials would criteria would be disabled on all labels. Criteria copying will be applied to all labels currently in the exercise.

There is no function to prevent it from overwriting a medication, so be careful!

Copy to all is an expanded version of the copy criteria button. It sits next to the medication name for the section because it will copy all of that label’s criteria settings and apply them to the other medications when clicked.

The copy to all function is designed with the idea that one label’s criteria can be set up first and the settings for that label can be applied to the other labels.

This helps alleviate assessment setup time where label-marking criteria is identical or very similar across the labels. Once the copy function has been applied, settings can be changed individually without issue.

As with the cumulative marking section, criteria can be disabled by unchecking enable. If a label’s criteria are completely disabled, it will not appear in the assessment-marking interface. Marks and penalties are set in the same way as cumulative marking, with a positive value set in either field.

Read next: Setting up an Assessment Tutorial

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