Exercise marking interface

Exercise marking interface

The marking interface is made up of different sections for each medication on the prescription (where applicable) and a section for exercise level criteria. Within each section there are two tables, one for auto-marked criteria in pink and another for manually marked criteria in blue. Each section has its own mark that is logged independently of the other sections.

On the right side of the screen is the final mark and navigation sidebar. The sidebar keeps track of the section marks, the final mark and comment.

The exercise menu links to the marking page for other exercises in the assessment. Note that the link opens the marking page for the current student. If you click on the Question 2 link while marking Question 1 for studentuser, marking for question 2 will open for studentuser when the link is clicked.

The menu buttons are coloured with the current marking state for the question. Green indicates that marking has been completed for that question. White indicates that the question has not been marked yet. Black indicates that the question was not completed by the student and is unavailable for marking.

Clicking green and white buttons will open the marking page normally. Clicking when the button is black will open the marking page with a message that the student did not complete the exercise and no marks can be awarded for that exercise.

Read next: Marking

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