After a very successful inaugural symposium in 2016, we worked hard to make the 2018 symposium even better, and we were not disappointed! We increased the number of participants to 60, reflecting the growth of MyDispense globally in the two years from 2016 to 2018, and also managed to preserve the intimate and friendly atmosphere that was so appreciated in the first symposium.
During the 2018 symposium our attendees participated in the following activities:
- Learned how to introduce MyDispense into their curriculum.
- Heard how to harness the full power of the MyDispense software from experts.
- Were able to preview and try the new MyDispense version 6.
- Helped to set the goals for future developments in MyDispense.
- Worked with colleagues from around the world to create new cases that truly reflect global pharmacy.
- Shared content, cases, patients and best practice with other pharmacy educators.
- Learned how to use MyDispense for assessment.
- Presented on MyDispense or other simulation and technology-based teaching innovations.
- Abstracts from the 2018 symposium are published in the Pharmacy Education Journal.
Steering group
Lead software developer for the MyDispense development team and the Monash University Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Keenan joined the team in 2012, and has since stamped his mark on its development capably supporting MyDispense as it continues to grow. Keenan is the primary support for the software and server maintenance.
Associate Dean for Education and Professor
University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Adjunct Professor
Monash University
Interprofessional curriculum development and global health workforce capacity building.
General Manager in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Monash University. She joined the faculty in 2004 after spending over 17 years at the University of Melbourne in various senior management roles, including General Manager in the Vice‐Chancellor’s Office. Marian’s background is in education, with experience in a number of international business development projects involving industry and university collaborations. She holds a Master of Arts and a Graduate Diploma in Education from The University of Melbourne.
PharmD, Director, Experiential Learning and Continuing Professional Development at University of Connecticut. Jill’s career has involved many aspects of pharmacy practice including community and hospital practice, teaching and hospice care. She is currently responsible for developing activities for pharmacist continuing education and career counseling services, with teaching responsibilities in the Pharmacy Practice Lab, Pain Management Elective and First Year Experience for Honors prepharmacy students. Jill has worked on the US implementation of MyDispense since 2014 and has fully implemented MyDispense in Pharmacy Practice Lab at UConn.
Interests Community and hospital practice, teaching and hospice care. Currently responsible for developing activities for pharmacist continuing education and career counselling services, with teaching responsibilities in the Pharmacy Practice Lab, Pain Management Elective and First Year Experience for Honours pre‐pharmacy students.
PharmD, BCOP, FHOPA is a board certified oncology pharmacist, and a fellow of the Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association. Currently, Lisa is an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy where she teaches pain management, oncology therapeutics, patient assessment and advanced practice experiential students. Her practice site is at the UConn Health Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center, where she works in a team‐based ambulatory care clinic.
Lisa has worked with Monash University and University of California San Francisco (UCSF) since 2013, and more recently other US School of Pharmacy faculty, to develop a US‐based MyDispense version. Along with her colleague Jill Fitzgerald, Lisa has introduced MyDispense into UConn’s School of Pharmacy curriculum: Introductory to Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE), Pain Management Elective and Dispensing Laboratory courses. She and Dr Fitzgerald have also mentored advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) students and independent research students to assist with MyDispense exercise development and research related to implementation of MyDispense.
PharmD, BCACP, is a clinical assistant professor of pharmacy practice and science at the University of Kentucky, College of Pharmacy. Clark is an adjunct faculty member at the School of Nursing at St. Louis University and coordinator of the online advanced pharmacology course for advanced practice nurse practitioners.
His background is in community pharmacy practice and he currently practices in an interprofessional ambulatory clinic at the Bluegrass Community Health Center with a focus on underserved populations. In his current role, he is developing the Patient-Centered Care Experience (PaCE) simulation curriculum at the University of Kentucky with an emphasis on ambulatory care and community practice. He is currently implementing MyDispense in a 6‐semester integrated lab sequence for P1–P3 students.
Lecturer in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Monash University. Vivienne is a registered pharmacist and has academic experience in both Australia and Malaysia. She also practised as a community pharmacist in Adelaide, South Australia. She brings this experience and innovative thinking to the development and delivery of professional practice units in the pharmacy curriculum. She has experience with MyDispense exercise development, teaching of and utilising MyDispense for assessments.
Pharmacy workforce and education
Former Director of the BPharm at Monash University, introduced major restructure and development, and many teaching innovations into the program. She fueled the initial drive to teach dispensing online – the genesis of MyDispense – and was involved in its initial scoping work. She is past President of the Academic section of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) and past member of the FIP Board of Pharmacy Practice. She is former Director of the FIP‐UNESCO UNITWIN programme.
Saw Pui San graduated with a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) and Master of Science in Medical and Health Sciences (Pharmacy Practice) from the International Medical University, Malaysia. She is a registered pharmacist with the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia. She underwent her training as provisional registered pharmacist in Hospital Tuanku Jaafar Seremban, and subsequently worked as a fully registered pharmacist in Hospital Port Dickson and Hospital Selayang. Aside from working as a hospital pharmacist, Pui San is also trained to provide Medication Therapy Adherence Clinic (MTAC) services to hospital patients on warfarin and hepatitis treatment. Her academic career as a lecturer started in Year 2016 when she joined the School of Pharmacy in Monash University. Previously, she has worked as a sessional tutor in International Medical University and Monash University, and been involved in training and examining pharmacy students on professional skill development and OSCE sessions. Pui San has published papers and presented in international conferences on new roles for pharmacist in primary care. She hopes to continue her work in developing informed appreciation of current and future roles of pharmacists in various areas of pharmacy practice.
Senior Learning Technologies Project manager in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Monash University. His role involves managing major learning technology projects within the faculty. Keith has led the MyDispense project from its inception and is instrumental in creating the learning design aspect of the specifications. He now works with colleagues all over the World to make the software available to learners in over 80 universities.
Sarah Vordenberg, PharmD, MPH, BCACP is a clinical associate professor at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy where she teaches Pharmacy Practice Skills I and Self-care Therapeutics. Her background is community pharmacy and ambulatory care practice. Her current clinical practice centers on interprofessional student-supported community health interventions in underserved populations. She implemented MyDispense in her Pharmacy Practice Skills I course in 2015 and Self-Care Therapeutics in 2017.
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